Air Sampling is a Superior Method of Early Warning Detection
Air sampling detectors (ASDs) are a superior method of early warning detection, which identifies invisible by-products of degrading materials during the pre-combustion stages of an emerging fire. Unlike passive smoke detection systems, including soot detectors, air sampling detectors actively draw smoke to the detector through a piping system that runs throughout the protected area. ASD systems are designed to sound an alert any time the ASD’s ability to detect smoke is compromised. ASDs are suitable for environments where a highly sensitive, rapid smoke detection capability is required.
Range of applications could include:
- Correctional Facilities
- Clean Rooms
- Cold Storage
- Cultural/Heritage
- Data & Telecom
- Hospitals and Healthcare
- Insurance
- Marine
- Nuclear Facilities
- Oil & Gas
- Portable Switch Rooms
- Power Generation
- Records Storage
- Transportation
- Wind Power Generation
- Warehousing
- Apartments and Hotels
- Shops & Offices